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About & Mission

About Max H.

Max H. is a 17 year old talented developer who's mission is offering useful tools to people around the world. He started developing software at age 14 and started with his Expired Domains Free tool, which enables users to browse recently expired domain names that are available for registration.

Max's Mission

The internet is full of applications that exist solely to create money and to serve ads. Most of the apps are low-quality apps with no real value behind it. By developing useful apps that contain none to few unintrusive ads, he is going a path that many developers should take an example of.

Max is currently not accepting any freelance work and also not permitted to make money off his skills or apps. The EU government prevents skilled people that are under 18 to make money without court permission. To get permission, the government requires underaged individuals to either study at the same time or to get a trainee job at some company. Besides that, the court also decides if someone has enough free time to do business before approving such a request. Because this basically limits skilled individuals to offer their apps at no cost, Max will need to wait until he is 18 to start his business. While this is a shame, there is nothing that can be done about that legally.

While the government can prevent young people from starting a business and earning money, they cannot prevent people from offering free applications. Max's applications have been downloaded more than 6034733 times and nobody can do anything about it :)

• Domain Search

Contact Max

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